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Fondée par Sory I. Soumare,
Ingénieur industriel

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Nos clients veulent terminer les projets qui, selon eux, feront le succès de leur entreprise et contribueront à la croissance de leur économie.

Feeding Your Livestock with the Freshest Feed

At Soumare Engineering, we are committed to delivering freshness to our customers every day. We understand the importance of high-quality feed and ingredients in running a successful poultry business, and we work hard to ensure that our products are always fresh and of the highest quality.

Sustainability and the Environment

We are committed to sustainability and protecting the environment. We strive to reduce our carbon footprint and minimize waste by using eco-friendly packaging and supporting local farmers and suppliers. We believe in taking responsibility for our impact and making a positive difference.

Supporting Local Farmers and Suppliers

As a builder, Soumare Engineering is proud to support local farmers and suppliers. We believe in the importance of community and supporting local businesses. By procuring from us, you are helping to support the local economy and ensuring the sustainability of our community.


Construire des chaînes de valeur agricoles de première qualité pour servir les gens à un prix raisonnable en temps opportun.

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We are builders that empower the animal feed industry.


Customer Satisfaction Rate


Reduction in Waste and Environmental Impact for Customers


Average Cost Savings for Customers
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